Short-Term Trips

This year, we are sending teams to Central Asia, Ghana, and India to serve alongside our global partners. We are grateful to the Lord for the opportunity to co-labor alongside brothers and sisters working in Seven Mile Road’s three telescoped regions.

If you have any questions, please reach out to our Spread Hope team.


September 2025

In participation with one of 7MR’s global partners, trip participants will care for families from neighboring countries who now live in a refugee camp in Central Asia. You will spend time providing for the needs of refugees, encouraging local believers, and sharing the hope of Jesus with those who are far from Him.


October 2025

Trip participants will support our brothers and sisters at Redeemer City Church, Accra for “Redeemer Partnership Week”. Medical Professionals from Seven Mile Road will come alongside local, Ghanaian providers as they host a city-wide medical clinic. Non-medical professionals are also invited to creatively use their skills to bless the church and the city!


October 2025

The first half of this trip will be spent in an urban context, focused on supporting church-planters working to bring the gospel to cities in India. During the second half of the trip, participants will spend time with persecuted brothers and sisters living in more rural parts of the country. The team will pray for and encourage South Asian believers as they sacrifice all for the sake of the gospel.