
Soul Winners India
Featuring: Michael Atmar

Together For The City

Losing Control
Featuring: Anna Carlson

Supporting recovery during Hurricane Harvey
Featuring: Shannon Stamm

Young Lives
Featuring: Trudy Howard

Incredible Grace
Featuring: Bay Rummel

Jose Deuce Auto Shop
Featuring: Jose Hernandez

9th Hour Coffee
Featuring: Trey Rummel, Don Hale

Loving Refugees
Featuring: Alex Lee, Peyton Silva

Open Door Mission
Featuring: Forrest and Ann Davis-Bruch

Finding Home
Featuring: Jamie Rae Powers

Humbled and Healed
Featuring: Michael McDowell

I began to fall in love with these guys, their humility, their genuineness. There was no posturing. They just wanted Jesus, and they just wanted to heal and to live as they ought.
— Trey Rummel

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