What We Believe
What is Baptism?
We would define baptism as the outward proclamation of an inward reality that God has created new life within that person. Ultimately baptism is proclaiming that you belong to Jesus.
Further Study: Romans 6:3-4; Colossians 2:11-12
Why Do We Baptize?
This act is now central to the work of discipleship and therefore the life of the church. Jesus' Great commission recognized baptism as 1/3 of the equation for the making of disciples. We have mentioned that baptism is a declaration. So, what exactly are you declaring in baptism? Essentially 3 things:
To God
“Thank you for saving me. I’m yours. Help me to live life that shows Jesus to the world.”
To Believers
Celebrate with me! Jesus has saved me! Remember when He saved you? Encourage me, help me, and keep me accountable to following Jesus.
To Unbelievers
I want you to know the Jesus that I know. If you see an change in my life, if you see anything good in my life, it’s not me - it’s Him! I want you to know Him.
Further Study: Matthew 28:18-20; Matthew 2:13,16-17; Acts 2:38
What Does Baptism Look Like?
Our belief is that a physical submersion into the water is the best way to show the death and burial of the old self, and in turn is the best representation of the new self being raised from the dead. The New Testament word baptism means to dip, to plunge, to immerse.
Further Study: Mark 1:5; Mark 1:10; John 3:23
Who Should Be Baptized?
Since baptism is an outward proclamation of faith, it is only for believers who have placed a whole life trust in Jesus Christ.
Further Study: Luke 3:3; Acts 8:36-38; Galatians 3:27
Does Baptism Save You?
Baptism is only an outward proclamation of an already existing internal reality. As such, baptism is not salvific in nature, especially as we take God’s word seriously to say that it is by grace alone through faith.
Further Study: Ephesians 2:8-10
How We Do It
Testimony: You will have roughly 5-8 minutes to share the redemptive work of Jesus in your life.
Affirmation of Faith: As you enter the water, you will be asked two questions that you can respond to with “yes” or “I do”. Those two questions highlight belief in Jesus’ person and work, and the intention to follow him as Lord all your days.
Baptizer(s): At this point, you will state the following words just before you lower the individual being baptized into the water…
“Based on your profession of faith, it is my joy to baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You have been buried with Christ in His death [lower individual into water] and raised to walk in newness of life! [lift individual up]”
Next Steps For You
Ready to take your next steps with baptism? Please fill out our interest form below. If you have any questions please email Hank Howard.
“I felt as if this was going to be the end, but no, this is the beginning of a new life. And I love that. Baptism is a new beginning for me, and I can walk with Christ. I can see a better future.”