Theological studies Track: Biblical theology

In this Discipleship Track course, Biblical Theology: Tracing God's Way, we will attempt to provide students with a comprehensive, chronological, and biblical overview of God’s purposes as they are providentially unfolding in redemptive history. Our Spring 2025 D-Track: Biblical Theology is specifically designed for women of our congregation only.

This course will meet from February 12 - May 21 on Wednesdays at 9:30am-11:00am at Sarah Cornelius' home. Once registered, details regarding her specific address will be shared.


Theological Studies Track: Theological Foundations II

This course is designed to introduce students to a systematic treatment of theology, leading to both Christ-centered worship and the living-out of doctrinal truths.

This course will meet from February 11 - May 27 on Tuesdays at 6:30am-7:30am at Sojourn Montrose: 1004 Taft St, Houston, TX 77019.


Email Melissa or Hank with questions.