40 Days of Prayer & Fasting | August 6 - September 14

We yearn to be men and women who hunger for the Lord and feast on His Word.

Since our early days, we have aspired to be an “upper room” church comprised of white-hot disciples enthralled with the face of Jesus and devoted to the frontlines of His mission – a movement-oriented people not defined by a place, programs, or a preacher, but by the winds of the Spirit and the advancing Kingdom of God. We believe that every great movement of God originates at the intersection of corporate, urgent, unified prayer and bold, unswerving Gospel proclamation. As such, we have structured our life together around regular seasons of extended fasting and prayer, believing that this is both a means to increasing intimacy and fueling mission. It is here that we focus on His face and the frontlines of His mission.

Each day of this journey, you will receive a devotional written by a Seven Mile Roader. As you soak in the text that draws you to the words of the Father, would you prayerfully consider signing up to fast? We’re convinced God will continue to shape our community and answer prayers as we posture ourselves in dependence on Him. We look forward to seeing how He’ll use this season to glorify Himself and encourage you. 

September 15th will be our 8th birthday celebration as a community!  We will conclude our communal fast by celebrating another year of God’s faithfulness. 

Will you join us?

Please consider joining us, from August 6 - September 14 as we continue to pray for a spiritual awakening here in Houston. Sign up using the links below.