If peace be like a river, let me lie in its bed
swift, cool, and calm, as it flows on ahead.
If peace be gospel shoes let me lace them up tight
Ready to walk through the day and the night.
If peace be a fruit, let me savor its taste
And let not one filling ever be put to waste.
If peace be a person, then His name is The Lord
A prince to be glorified, loved, and adored.
-Tim Davis
Leader: Come, all you who are thirsty! Come, eat what is good! Our God has made with us an everlasting covenant, that we might live!
All: Let us praise the LORD our God - who was, and is, and is to come!
<based on Isaiah 55>
Leader: You, O God, have offered us living water,
All: But we choose to remain thirsty.
Leader: You, O God, have offered us the bread of life,
All: But we labor for lesser things.
Leader: We stumble through our lives as if through a desert, seeking after a mirage that can never satisfy us. We convince ourselves that we have found peace, but our peace is small and limited. Only you, O God, can offer us something better.
All: O God, we are thirsty and poor. We need you to provide for us!
<Based on Isaiah 55>
Leader: Just like the rain completes its job before it returns to the sky, Jesus came to earth and accomplished everything for us. The very Word of God walked among us, declaring the coming of the Kingdom. He died on our behalf. He rose to give us life. He returned to heaven triumphant over death, and will come again to lead us into all peace.
All: All praise to King Jesus - the Prince of Peace!
<Based on Isaiah 55, John 1>
Leader: Father, forgive me, for my head is full of anxious thoughts. Are the decorations up? Are the presents wrapped? Who’s coming to dinner? Am I doing enough? The to-do list feels endless at this time of year. How can I set my heart on you?
All: Do not be afraid! There is good news of Great Joy!
My heart doubts your goodness. With my mouth I say I believe that You have paid the cost, but my actions betray me - with lights and traditions and countless lesser things, I toil for the peace you offer freely. Who can save me from my sin?
A Savior has been born to you - the Messiah is here!
In a season where the world wants everything else, I simply want more of you, O God. Teach my mind to dwell on you. Teach my heart to seek your face. Where can I seek you? Where can you be found?
He is a baby, wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger.
You, O God, will lead us in joy and peace! You, in Jesus, are making all things new! For now, creation groans for redemption, but then even the mountains and trees will burst into song! By your Spirit, show me that peace now.
Glory to God in the highest! And on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests!
This I seek from the prince of peace
To belong wholly to you and not first to people or things
To be free from distraction and hurry
To be present in your presence, not drowned in worry
To receive peace from you who made it
For it can’t be bought from anyone else who tries to sell it
To heal the hurt of strife and war
To bring healing to the broken and poor
To live as a child to the Father and receive love as the Son.
This is the peace you’ve already won.
Fulfill this shalom in the kingdom come
Blessed are the peacemakers who share this news to everyone.
-Justin Chacko
Leader: Come, ye sinners, poor and needy,
Weak and wounded, sick and sore.
Jesus is ready to embrace you in His arms.
The mountains may depart, and the hills be removed,
But His steadfast love will not leave you.
Nothing can break His covenant of peace.
All: Let us worship the One who holds us in His love and brings us peace.
<based on Psalm 30 & 34>
Leader: Lord, we come to You, crumbled under the weight of our brokenness. You came so that we might know peace, yet we sow seeds of dissension. You came so we could experience true love, yet we continue searching for love in all the wrong places. You call us to be salt and light in the world, yet we turn away from the cries of the oppressed.
All: Forgive us, Lord, for seeking peace only for ourselves.
<Based on Isaiah 54 and Matthew 5>
Leader: Hear the words of Jesus: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”
Leader: This is the good news: Through His death on the cross, Jesus has set us free from sin and shame. Through His resurrection, we have access to the source of true peace. His love has lifted the weight of our brokenness. We are no longer alone but are called sons and daughters of the Most High.
All: We do not have to be afraid, for we are children of the Most High God.
<based on Isaiah 54 and John 14>
Father, we come to you weak and weary, longing for real peace. Thank you that you are near to the brokenhearted. Forgive us for seeking comfort for ourselves and neglecting those in need. You came to us while we were yet sinners in need of rescue. Help us to spread your peace by comforting the hurting and welcoming those far from you. Help us to reflect your light in the dark places of this world.
Like an unending river or the waves of the sea,
peace was promised to wash over me.
And as it came I recognized it not,
so I looked for what was better or so I thought.
Surely my comfort will bring me peace,
whatever feels good should put me at ease.
But as I look for a comfort I can grasp,
everything falls short and nothing lasts.
And so I return to the peace I could not see,
and recognize at last why it flees from me.
Only from God is there peace without end,
but my own wicked heart separates me from Him.
Leader: Awake, awake! Oh people of God, lift up your voice.
All: Together, we sing for joy!
Leader: Awake, awake! To the One who purchased peace.
All: Together, we sing for joy!
Leader: Awake, awake! To the One who secured salvation.
All: Our God reigns, let's sing for joy!
<Based on Isaiah 52:1, 8, Psalm 121 >
Leader: From life's first cry to final breath, we dethrone the Prince of Peace. We want our savior to come in power, not lowly in a manger. We want our savior to come in beauty, not rejected by men. We want our savior to come in glory, not crushed like a lamb.
All: You are not the savior I wanted; my savior is me.
<Based on Isaiah 9:6, 53 >
Leader: For the joy set before Him, Jesus endured the cross on our behalf. Gentle and lowly, despised and rejected, like a lamb led to slaughter, Jesus has purchased our peace. Perfectly obedient to the will of the Father, Jesus was raised to life in power by the Holy Spirt, securing salvation for those who call upon His name.
All: Jesus, You are the Savior we need!
<Based on Isaiah 53, Hebrews 12:2, Matthew 11:29, Romans 10:9-13 >
Heavenly Father, awaken our hearts to the depth of all You have done for us. Too often, we seek salvation on our own terms, failing to trust in the perfect work You have already accomplished. Instead of embracing Your meekness and humility, we chase after security and recognition, leaving ourselves in a world of chaos of our own making. We confess our desperate need for the peace only You can provide. Teach us to slow down, to let go, and to rest in the grace You have so freely and lovingly given. Amen.
I was walking to Emmaus
With a coffin in my hand
While the factories of Babylon
Were poisoning the sand
But a stranger came and said to me
That there was still a plan
So take comfort all ye widows
Sojourners in this land
For our storms will find their stillness
In the Resurrected Man
-Douglas Steinman
Leader: "Behold, I am the beginning and the end, and every eye will see me," says the LORD. "Listen, as the whole earth sings aloud to me, the one who spoke the world into motion."
All: Yahweh, You alone are worthy.
Leader: "Behold, for I have been near," says the LORD.
"Listen, for I have spoken."
All: Our God, You alone are worthy.
<Based on Isaiah 48:12-22>
Leader: O Lord, You know what is best and have spoken it clearly, offering us peace when we had none. Yet we have rejected You. We refuse to come near. We cover our ears. We stomp our feet in defiance, unwilling to go without seeing the end. We look to our comfort to make a peace of our own but find only chaos and conflict instead. We are left wanting and can only say:
All: There is no peace for our wicked hearts. Who will rescue us from this encroaching death?
<Based on Isaiah 48:12-22>
Leader: Thanks be to God for Jesus- our Redeemer, Emmanuel! The Author stepped into the story, taking on the form of a helpless baby. He was rejected for us, engraving our sin on the palms of His hands. He gave himself over to death and raised to life in victory over it! Though we are unworthy to belong in His presence, He laid His right hand on us, extending an unwavering invitation into His perfect peace.
All: Because of you, O Jesus, I have peace like a river and righteousness like the waves of the sea!
<Based on Isaiah 49:16, Isaiah 48>
Lord, You are the beginning and the end, the One who spoke the world into motion. We stand in awe of You. We consistently disregard you and search for fleeting peace of our own making. But You never give up on us. Through Jesus, You came near, bringing us peace that flows like a river and hope that never runs dry. Thank You for loving us so much. Help us to rest in Your peace and carry it with us as we go. Amen.